Our Standards and Quality Test.

C-TPAT Audit

We have successfully complied with the C-TPAT audit. As a responsible and ethical organization, we prioritize security and adhere to the highest standards in our operations. 

By meeting the requirements of the C-TPAT program, we ensure the integrity and safety of our supply chain, providing our partners with peace of mind and confidence in our commitment to excellence.

SMETA Sedex Audit

We have achieved compliance with the SMETA Sedex audit. This audit evaluates our social and ethical practices, ensuring that we meet the highest standards in terms of labor, health and safety, environment, and business ethics. 

By successfully completing the SMETA Sedex audit, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency, accountability, and responsible sourcing.

Quality Test by Bureau Veritas

We have successfully passed quality tests conducted by Bureau Veritas for our products. This accomplishment reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering products of the highest quality standards. Through rigorous testing and compliance, we ensure that our customers receive exceptional and reliable products. 

The recognition from Bureau Veritas reinforces our dedication to maintaining excellence in all aspects of our operations.